According to the latest Quar-terly Report on the ChineseTablet PC Market (Nov,2014) released by IDC, theChinese tablet PC market will have aproduct delivery of 29.34 million sets,up 5.5 year-on-year. Looking backinto 2014, the domestic tablet PCmarket ceased to continue the rapidgrowth of the past three years. Overallspeaking, IDC holds that the tablePC market will see steady growthin the year of 2015. Liu Nan, seniorIDCanalyst of the tablet PC marketregards that the year of 2015 will becrucial for both the tablet PC marketand the manufacturers.
In the year of 2015, cloud com-puting is to usher in a stage featuringrapid development. With deepeninginformationization, advancement ofdigital cities and maturing 4G net-work, tablet PC will embrace more op-portunities in the cloud computing erato become an optimal choice for mobileterminalin the commercial use market.
1. Tablet PC is an optimal ter-minalin the mobile commercial usemarket
Construction of digital citiesand city cloud will further promotethe development of office automation,and the tablet PC as mobile terminalwill play a more important role in theoperation of government. In the meantime, promotion of enterprise cloudas well as intensive and standard dailymanagement of the manufacturing andgarment sectors will also bring moremarket opportunities for tablet PC,which is a convenient mobile terminalwith favorable display quality. Andtablet PCs will be recognized in moreareas. According to prediction ofIDC,in 2015 the product delivery of tabletPCs in the commercial use market willamount to 7.52 million sets, up about14.4% year-on-year and 8.9 percentagepoints higher than the average marketgrowth rate.
2. Tablet PC demands will ex-tend from the urban areas to the ru-ral areas
Unlike the cellphone market"extending from the rural areas to theurban area", the tablet PC market stillfocuses on the lst-3rd-tier cities. Withthe advancement of urbanization inChina, the vast 4th-6th-tier marketwill definitely turn into a strategic seg-ment sparking off fierce competitionamong tablet PC manufacturers. How-ever, in the 4th-6th-tier cities and eventhe township markets, the popularityof smartphones attracts more userspreferring touching experience, whichis a big potential consumption groupfor the tablet PC market. IDC predictsthat in the entire tablet PC market the4th-6th-tier cities will account for amarket share of 36.0% in 2015 with aproduct delivery of 10.57 million sets ata growth rate of above 12%. 3. Tablet PC will be the controlcenter ofsmart home
Smart TV has entered into ourdaily life with the Internet and smartair purifier has reaped a considerablesales volume due to the smog weather.Coupled with the development of thenational chip sector, the national strat-egy to drive economic restructure andstimulate domestic demands quickensthe pace for smart home to be accessedby households and the year of 2015 willundoubtedly see the rapid developmentof smart appliances.
4. Windows system to bring newopportunities
Led by Apple Inc. and driven byGoogle, the speedy development of thetablet PC sector in the past three yearshas made more and more families feelthe charm of tablet PCs. At the sametime, consumers are aware of the limita-tion of tablet PCs, which cannot fully re-place the traditional computers equippedwith keyboard to enable consumers toenjoy satisfactory Microsoft Office usingexperience. With popularity of smart-phones, consumers used to touchingexperience now become careful on thechroice of an alternative of cellphones.Demands on both touching experienceand Microsoft Office software serve as anew opportunity for Windows operatingsystem to continue growth in 2015.IDCpredicts that in 2015 tablet PC withWindows operating system will growat a rate of 28.7%, above the averagemarket growth rate and with a productdelivery of around l.29 billion sets.
5. Large-size tablet PC to be-come a mainstream
Looking into the year of 2015,the tablet PC market will witnesssteady development with some changes.With the popularity of phablet, whichbecomes the hottest topic in the ICTmarket, 7-inch tablet PC will be greatlyimpacted. The above-9-inch tablet PCmarket will be more vigorous with agrowth rate of 11.3%. As tablet PCswith large size, high definition andWindows operating system keep evolv-ing, the market price structure of tabletPCs will be changed.
In the year of 2015, the tablet PCmarket will grow steadily with bothopportunities and challenges. Productinnovation, reasonable prices as well asdiffering product and services will helptablet PC manufacturers to make fulluse of the market opportunities for bet-ter development.
In the year of 2015, cloud com-puting is to usher in a stage featuringrapid development. With deepeninginformationization, advancement ofdigital cities and maturing 4G net-work, tablet PC will embrace more op-portunities in the cloud computing erato become an optimal choice for mobileterminalin the commercial use market.
1. Tablet PC is an optimal ter-minalin the mobile commercial usemarket
Construction of digital citiesand city cloud will further promotethe development of office automation,and the tablet PC as mobile terminalwill play a more important role in theoperation of government. In the meantime, promotion of enterprise cloudas well as intensive and standard dailymanagement of the manufacturing andgarment sectors will also bring moremarket opportunities for tablet PC,which is a convenient mobile terminalwith favorable display quality. Andtablet PCs will be recognized in moreareas. According to prediction ofIDC,in 2015 the product delivery of tabletPCs in the commercial use market willamount to 7.52 million sets, up about14.4% year-on-year and 8.9 percentagepoints higher than the average marketgrowth rate.
2. Tablet PC demands will ex-tend from the urban areas to the ru-ral areas
Unlike the cellphone market"extending from the rural areas to theurban area", the tablet PC market stillfocuses on the lst-3rd-tier cities. Withthe advancement of urbanization inChina, the vast 4th-6th-tier marketwill definitely turn into a strategic seg-ment sparking off fierce competitionamong tablet PC manufacturers. How-ever, in the 4th-6th-tier cities and eventhe township markets, the popularityof smartphones attracts more userspreferring touching experience, whichis a big potential consumption groupfor the tablet PC market. IDC predictsthat in the entire tablet PC market the4th-6th-tier cities will account for amarket share of 36.0% in 2015 with aproduct delivery of 10.57 million sets ata growth rate of above 12%. 3. Tablet PC will be the controlcenter ofsmart home
Smart TV has entered into ourdaily life with the Internet and smartair purifier has reaped a considerablesales volume due to the smog weather.Coupled with the development of thenational chip sector, the national strat-egy to drive economic restructure andstimulate domestic demands quickensthe pace for smart home to be accessedby households and the year of 2015 willundoubtedly see the rapid developmentof smart appliances.
4. Windows system to bring newopportunities
Led by Apple Inc. and driven byGoogle, the speedy development of thetablet PC sector in the past three yearshas made more and more families feelthe charm of tablet PCs. At the sametime, consumers are aware of the limita-tion of tablet PCs, which cannot fully re-place the traditional computers equippedwith keyboard to enable consumers toenjoy satisfactory Microsoft Office usingexperience. With popularity of smart-phones, consumers used to touchingexperience now become careful on thechroice of an alternative of cellphones.Demands on both touching experienceand Microsoft Office software serve as anew opportunity for Windows operatingsystem to continue growth in 2015.IDCpredicts that in 2015 tablet PC withWindows operating system will growat a rate of 28.7%, above the averagemarket growth rate and with a productdelivery of around l.29 billion sets.
5. Large-size tablet PC to be-come a mainstream
Looking into the year of 2015,the tablet PC market will witnesssteady development with some changes.With the popularity of phablet, whichbecomes the hottest topic in the ICTmarket, 7-inch tablet PC will be greatlyimpacted. The above-9-inch tablet PCmarket will be more vigorous with agrowth rate of 11.3%. As tablet PCswith large size, high definition andWindows operating system keep evolv-ing, the market price structure of tabletPCs will be changed.
In the year of 2015, the tablet PCmarket will grow steadily with bothopportunities and challenges. Productinnovation, reasonable prices as well asdiffering product and services will helptablet PC manufacturers to make fulluse of the market opportunities for bet-ter development.