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现阶段,我国警察队伍的学历文凭结构比以往任何时候都高,但警察队伍整体素质不适应性却依然突出。这是摆在我国警察机关,尤其警察高等院校面前的一个必须研究和解决好的紧迫课题。本文仅以深圳警察队伍中公安部属三所高等院校的一千多名本科毕业生为调查研究对象,希望从毕业生的基本情况;毕业生自我评价与反馈意见;社会对毕业生的评价与反馈意见等三方面反映出毕业生的综合素质,进而达到既充分肯定毕业生的长处,也能正视毕业生存在的不足,以利警察高等院校不断培养出合格的预备警官,以利各级警察机关造就大批跨世纪的优秀警官。 At this stage, the diploma structure of our police force is higher than ever before, but the overall quality of the police force is still not well suited. This is an urgent task that must be studied and solved in the face of the police organs in our country, especially the police colleges and universities. In this paper, only the Shenzhen police team in public security ministries and universities of more than one thousand undergraduate graduates for the investigation of the object of study, I hope graduates from the basic situation; self-evaluation and feedback of graduates; social evaluation of graduates Feedback and other three aspects reflect the overall quality of graduates, so as to achieve both fully affirmed the strengths of graduates, but also face the shortcomings of graduates to facilitate higher institutions of higher education police continue to train qualified officers ready to facilitate the Level police agencies create a large number of cross-century outstanding police officers.
教育支出已成为农民最大的现金支出,农村义务教育费用使得农村家庭普遍负担过重,并使相关连带者——学校、乡政府、县政府也都陷入了困境 Expenditure on education has bec
麻黄碱所致精神障碍国内罕见报道 ,尚无大量吞服导致凶杀行为的案例。现报道1例。1案例某男 ,74岁。某日凌晨3时许在其弟弟家中突然用刀将其弟弟、弟媳、侄子三人砍伤。因家属反映
幼臭鼬致狂犬病临床少见,1990年11月我县发生被幼臭鼬(黄鼠狼)咬伤致狂犬病死亡一例,现报告如下。 患者男,38岁。因捕捉幼臭鼬时,右手腕内侧被咬伤外,伤口约0.3cm~2大小,未