
来源 :中国普通外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongwinder
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目的 探讨男性乳癌的临床特点、诊断及治疗方法。方法 回顾性分析 11例男性乳癌的临床及病理资料。结果  11例术前均明确了诊断 ,Ⅰ期 1例 ,Ⅱ期 3例 ,Ⅲ期 6例 ,Ⅳ期 1例。本组均手术治疗 ,行乳腺单纯切除术 1例 ,简化根治术 2例 ,根治术 8例 ,术后分别给予放疗及化疗。 5年生存率为 45 5 %。结论 男性乳癌发病年龄大 ,预后差 ,大多以乳腺肿块为首发症状 ,腋下淋巴结转移率高。对于 5 0岁以上单侧乳房无痛性肿块应高度警惕 ,若出现乳头溢液 ,肿块与皮肤粘连 ,或伴有腋下淋巴结肿大 ,应考虑为癌 ,并及时做病理检查。本病以根治性手术为佳 ,术后应给予放疗、化疗或内分泌治疗 Objective To investigate the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of male breast cancer. Methods Retrospective analysis of 11 cases of male breast cancer clinical and pathological data. Results All the 11 cases were diagnosed before operation. There were 1 case in stage Ⅰ, 3 cases in stage Ⅱ, 6 cases in stage Ⅲ and 1 case in stage Ⅳ. This group were surgical treatment, line excision of breast in 1 case, simplified radical surgery in 2 cases, radical surgery in 8 cases, respectively, after radiotherapy and chemotherapy. 5-year survival rate was 45 5%. Conclusion The incidence of male breast cancer is large and the prognosis is poor. Most of the patients have breast lumps as the first symptom and have a high rate of axillary lymph node metastasis. For unilateral breast over 50 years of painless mass should be highly vigilant, if the nipple discharge, mass and skin adhesions, or with armpit lymph nodes, should be considered as cancer, and timely pathological examination. The disease is better than radical surgery, postoperative radiotherapy, chemotherapy or endocrine therapy should be given
患者男,60岁.因进行性黄疸加重8个月余,上腹胀感6个月伴皮肤搔痒于1997年12月1日入院.体查:巩膜皮肤中度黄染,腹平软,无压痛.未扪及包块,血红蛋白11.3 g/L.
目的 总结Graves病眼病 (内分泌眼病 )的病因和诊治经验。方法 复习相关文献 ,并总结作综述性报道。结果 内分泌眼病占Graver病的 2 5 % ,其表现为浸润性突眼 ,球结膜水肿
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目的 本文对细菌 L型感染诱发小鼠肿瘤的可能原因进行了探讨。方法 用金黄色葡萄球菌 L型 (2× 10 7/0 .2 ml/次 /只 )经尾静脉反复感染 C5 7/ BL / 6 N小鼠为 L型感染组 ;
目的 探讨乳腺尾叶原发癌 (乳腺尾叶癌 )的诊断治疗。方法 对 7例乳腺尾叶癌的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 本组乳腺尾叶癌发生率占全部乳癌的 1 2 %。本组中 5例在外院