
来源 :公安研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:one9871023
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2000年10月25日至27日,《公安研究》第十次全国特邀编审工作会议在内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市举行。来自全国三十个省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团公安局、铁道部公安局、交通部公安局、民航总局公安局、林业总局公安局、公安部办公厅、宣传局的42名代表出席了会议。公安部第四研究所所长、本刊主编李忠信,内蒙古自治区公安厅厅长李庆玉,副厅长宋建中,公安部办公厅副主任陆志谦,宣传局副局长吴晓鸣等有关领导出席会议并做了重 From October 25 to October 27, 2000, the tenth national invited editing and editing conference of “Public Security Research” was held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. 42 representatives from public security bureaus of 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Railways, the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Communications, the Public Security Bureau of CAAC, the Public Security Bureau of the General Administration of Forestry, the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, and the Propaganda Bureau The meeting. Li Zhongxin, director of the Fourth Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, Li Zhongxin, director of the Public Security Bureau, Li Qingyu, deputy director of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Public Security Bureau, Song Jianzhong, deputy director of the Ministry of Public Security, Lu Zhiqian, deputy director general of the Ministry of Public Security, Wu Xiaoming, deputy director of the Publicity Bureau attended the meeting and made heavy
已故天津国画家白庚延的一幅名为《黄河咆啸》的画作,在2011年新春,震惊了国内艺术品收藏界和证券界。作为天津市金融创新的一次努力,1月26日,这幅国画被分拆为500万份单个的交易单位,在天津文化艺术品交易所上市交易。到3月16日,短短的时间里,发行价为人民币1元的每交易单位,在投资者的追捧下上冲到17.16元,涨幅超过1700%。  作为国内民众不多的几种投资选择,无论是政府强力规范下的房地产市场
In this paper, the effects of evaporating temperature and film thickness on the spectral transmission of MgF2/SiO antireflective coating were investigated. In