2002年9月6日,丽日当空,天高云淡。一场别开生面的开幕仪式过后,济南泉城广场的科技大厅内,顿时人如潮涌,风云四起。来自德、美、韩、加、澳、港、台等14个国家和地区及国内20多个省市自治区的旅游机构、企业团体纷纷摆开阵势,闪亮登场,掀开了中国(济南)国际旅游交易会的动人帷幕。 展厅共分二层,一楼展位以旅游局、国际国内星级宾馆、旅行社为主体;二楼
On September 6, 2002, the beautiful sky, sky high clear. After a spectacular opening ceremony, Jinan Springs Plaza, the hall of science and technology, suddenly people like tide, situation four. Travel agencies and business groups from 14 countries and regions including Germany, the United States, South Korea, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities all over the country opened their debut and opened the door of China (Jinan) International Tourism Fair’s touching curtain. The exhibition hall is divided into two floors, the first floor of the booth to the Tourist Board, international and domestic star hotels, travel agencies as the main body; second floor