辽宁省劳动和社会保障厅: 你厅《关于辽宁省企业职工基本养老保险个人账户做实后跨省转移问题的请示》(辽劳社函[2002]110号)收悉。经研究,现答复如下: 参保人员跨统筹地区流动时,其个人账户基金转移按《职工基本养老保险个人账户管理暂行规定》(劳办发[1997]116号)和《关于严格执行职工基本养老保险个人账户转移政策的通知》(劳社厅发[1999]22号)文件执行。对于试点后在辽宁省和其他省(区、市)之间流动的参保人员个人账户基金转移问题,暂按以下原则处理:
Liaoning Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security: Your Office “Liaoning Province on the basic pension insurance business personal accounts do cross-provincial transfer of referrals” (Liaolaoshe letter [2002] 110) received. The study, the following reply: Participants across the co-ordinating regional mobility, the transfer of individual account funds according to “Interim Provisions on the Management of Individual Employee Basic Pension Insurance” (Lao Ban Fa [1997] No. 116) and “on the strict implementation of staff basic Pension insurance personal account transfer policy notice ”(Office of Social Services issued [1999] No. 22) implementation of the document. After the pilot project in Liaoning Province and other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to move individual participants in the transfer of fund accounts, temporarily according to the following principles: