《十二月十日》(Tenth of December)是美国作家乔治·桑德斯(George Saunders,1958—)的第四本短篇小说集,2013年1月由兰登出版社出版,同年获得美国短篇小说奖和英国首届弗里欧文学奖(Folio Prize)。此书出版第一周就进入了《纽约时报》精装小说排行榜第三名,不仅入围美国国家图书奖小说奖,还入选了《纽约时报》年度十大好书。《时代》杂志如此评价桑德斯:“十多年来,乔治·桑德斯一直都是最好的用英语写作的短篇小说家——没有‘之一’,也不是‘可能是’。”现年五十六岁的乔治·桑德斯出生并成长于环境复杂的芝加哥南部城区,1981年从科罗拉多
Tenth of December is the fourth short story collection by American writer George Saunders (1958-), published by Langdon Publishing House in January 2013 and short by the United States Novel Prize and the first Folio Prize in Britain. The book was published in the first week of the New York Times hardcover novels ranked third, not only shortlisted the US National Book Award for the novel, but also selected the “New York Times” ten annual good book. Time magazine rates Sanders as saying: “For more than a decade, George Sanders has always been the best short story writer in English writing - there is no one, nor is it possible.” "George Saunders, 56, was born and raised in an environmentally sophisticated downtown Chicago south of Chicago from 1981