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日本镰仓初期古文献《松浦宫物语》对长安郊外的构想,是以“海外-仙山”这样一种复合景观为主基调,将长安描述成一座海岸都市。这种构想的源头既可向上追溯至遣唐使时代日本的集体记忆,又可寻根于上代日本对中国神仙思想的摄取。物语作者对异域帝都的浪漫想象,折射了平安末至镰仓初期为战乱所笼罩的日本知识阶层将遥远的中国想象成政治乌托邦的思想史背景。 The original ancient Kamakura literature “Matsuura Palace Monogatari” on the outskirts of Chang’an concept, based on the “overseas - Seosan ” such a composite landscape as the main tone, will be described as a coastal city of Chang’an. The origin of this idea can be traced back to the collective memory of Japan in the era of the Tang Dynasty and to the uptake of the Chinese immortal thought in the previous generation of Japan. The romantic imagination of the monologue writers in the alien empires reflects the background of the intellectual history of the distant Japanese society as a political utopia reflected by the Japanese intelligentsia from the end of the peace to the beginning of Kamakura.