1 病例介绍 患儿 男,15个月,体重7.5 kg。因发热、咳嗽2天入院。体温达40℃。经检查诊断为支气管肺炎,Ⅱ度营养不良。给抗感染、吸氧及营养支持等治疗2天,体温仍为39.5℃,呼吸困难加重,两肺以哮鸣音为主。入院第3天加用平喘药和静注免疫球蛋白(IVIG)2.5g,用5%GS注射液100 ml稀释后,微泵20ml/h推注。当天体温降至正常,呼吸困难减轻。但在推注IVIG 1.5h后,心率由原来130~140/min逐渐降至82~76/min。急诊床边心电图示:窦性心动过缓。当时考虑:中毒性心肌炎。给阿托品0.15 mg肌注,1h后心率逐渐增快至100~120/min。次日继续使用IVIG,推注后又出现类似现象,用阿托品后又恢复正常心
1 case description children male, 15 months, weight 7.5 kg. Due to fever, cough 2 days admitted. Body temperature up to 40 ℃. After examination diagnosed as bronchial pneumonia, degree II malnutrition. To anti-infection, oxygen and nutritional support for 2 days, the body temperature is still 39.5 ℃, increased dyspnea, wheeze-based lungs of both. On the 3rd day after admission, antiasthmatic drugs and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) 2.5g were added. After diluting with 100 ml of 5% GS injection, a micro pump 20ml / h bolus was added. The body temperature dropped to normal, reduced breathing difficulties. However, after IVIG injection for 1.5 hours, the heart rate gradually decreased from 130 to 140 / min to 82 to 76 / min. Emergency bedside ECG: sinus bradycardia. Considered at that time: toxic myocarditis. To atropine 0.15 mg intramuscularly, 1h after the heart rate gradually increased to 100 ~ 120 / min. The next day continue to use IVIG, a similar phenomenon after the bolus, with atropine and then restore normal heart