强氯精,即三氯异氰尿酸,由于其对病菌杀灭力强、作用持续时间长,在鱼病防治中使用效果显著,因此目前在养鱼生产中得到广泛推广应用。本刊第3期《施用鱼药后出现鱼死亡的原因及对策》一文中,由于作者失误、编者疏漏,介绍其用药量时有误,现特将其正确使用方法介绍如下: 预防:按每立方水用药0.2克,每15天全塘泼洒一次,同时,每50千克鱼用药
Strong chlorine, that is, trichloroisocyanuric acid, due to its strong killing power of bacteria, the role of long duration, the use of fish disease prevention and control effect is significant, so far in the production of fish has been widely promoted. The third issue of “fish after the application of fish causes and countermeasures,” a paper, due to the author mistakes, editors omissions, the introduction of its dosage is wrong, it is especially the right to use the method described below: Prevention: per Cube water medication 0.2 grams, every 15 days whole pond spill once, at the same time, every 50 kilograms of fish medication