描述了采用脉冲双线法测量感应加速腔横向阻抗的原理、方法和步骤。测量结果显示 ,新设计的真空腔和绝缘腔的横向阻抗特性优于以前设计的原形腔 ,而且加速间隙由于采用了类同轴结构 ,绝缘腔的低频模式被有效抑制 ,在 753 MHz测得其横向阻抗为 82 0 Ω/m。
The principle, method and procedure of measuring the transverse impedance of an induction accelerating chamber by a pulsed two-wire method are described. The measurement results show that the newly designed vacuum chamber and insulating chamber have better lateral impedance characteristics than the previously designed prototype chamber. Due to the coaxial structure, the low frequency mode of the insulating chamber is effectively restrained. As measured at 753 MHz The lateral impedance is 82 0 Ω / m.