Ordovician graptolite-bearing strata in southern Jiangxi with a special reference to the Kwangsian O

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wkkyo
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The Ordovician graptolite sequence of the Yongxin-Chongyi area in southern Jiangxi was suggested as a standard for the correlation of Ordovician in the Zhujiang region of South China. Based on a restudy of the Upper Ordovician graptolites, the Shikou and Huamianlong formations are recognized herein as a part of the Hanjiang Formation, corresponding only to the Dipla-canthograptus caudatus-Diplacanthograptus spiniferus Zone. Two graptolite zones in the Longxi Formation of Yongxin and Chongyi, the Nemagraptus gracilis Zone and Climacograptus bicornis Zone, are redefined here. A rapid replacement of facies from the typical deep-water graptolitic black shale of Longxi Formation to the rapidly-accumulated, shallow-water clastic deposits of Hanjiang Formation indicates the tectonic initiation of the Kwangsian Orogeny. The thick clastic deposits of the Han-jiang Formation are proposed to come from a nearby source area that rose during the Kwangsian Orogeny. The D. caudatus-D. spiniferus graptolite Zone of the Hanjiang Formation indicates the initiation time of this tectonic event. Based on a restudy of the Upper Ordovician graptolites, the Shikou and Huamianlong formations are recognized herein as a part of the Hanjiang Formation, corresponding only to the Dipla-canthograptus caudatus-Diplacanthograptus spiniferus Zone. Two graptolite zones in the Longxi Formation of Yongxin and Chongyi, the Nemagraptus gracilis Zone and Climacograptus bicornis Zone, are redefined here. A rapid replacement of facies from the typical deep-water graptolitic black shale of Longxi Formation to the rapidly-accumulated, shallow-water clastic deposits of Hanjiang Formation indicates the tectonic initiation of the Kwangsian Orogeny. The thick clastic deposits of the Han-jiang Formation are proposed to come from a nearby source area that rose during the Kwangsian Orogeny. The D. caudatus-D. spiniferus grapt olite Zone of the Hanjiang Formation indicates the initiation time of this tectonic event.
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婚后,我搬进了老公的单身宿舍,正式开始男女混居的生活。为了攒钱买房子,婚后我和老公就暂时住进他的单身宿舍,南北朝向,算上卫生间一共25平方米。朋 After marriage, I mov
深情是她负不起的重担,男人的情话不过是偶然兑现的谎言。写情的圣手常常如是说。  “优剩女”和“不婚族”们常常自以为早已参透世间情事,自得其乐地过活也不赖。殊不知,午夜梦回,她们依旧忍受着寂寞的骚扰,只能靠Karan的《广岛之恋》和菲姐的《红豆》排遣失眠的焦灼和苦楚。若不是时光的钟摆太动听,她们甚至忘了自己究竟年华几许。也总是怀疑自己到底是不是太挑剔,若然真的爱不起来,激情的感觉逝如闪电,莫非真是孤
其实每一个女人在她内心深处都有所谓的危险特质!看看你的危险特质在哪里?来看看你是男人眼中的危险女人吗?题目:在时尚派对中你最担心自己哪一个部分走光被拍到? In fact,