中国足球学校北京分校见闻录(2) 梦从这里开始

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训练场离校舍很近,在车上大嘴还没有来得及整理一下思绪,新建的训练场就出现在眼前了。这里条件好得有些出人意料,碧绿的草坪洁整而宁静,让大嘴有一种归依田园的清新感觉,旁边的一片正在建设中的白色洋房是休息室,看上去整齐而舒适。虽然没有学生(放假),但大嘴一望便可以想象学生在此踢球休息的情景。张小姐向我们介绍这是两块完整的草坪训练场,旁边两块土地则是标准的足球训练场。学校另外还计划开发6块标准训练场和一座比赛场。草坪上几个护理草坪的员工正在喷药杀虫,张小姐向我们介绍说护理草坪是非常重要的,尤其是在中国这个四季分明的温带国家。大嘴为了感受一下孩子们的训练气氛,特地上场空跑了一圈,感觉很不错。中国很多甲A赛场还都不具备这种场地,大嘴想象着从四面八方聚集而来的孩子们在这里为了足球相聚,不禁有些兴起。不过由于大嘴来得不巧,孩子们刚好放假,大嘴也只好委托北京工作站的同事李瑾在开学后代替我到这里拍一些孩子们训练的片子。 The training ground is very close to the school building, mouth in the car has not had time to sort out my thoughts, the new training ground appears in front of us. The conditions here are a bit surprising. The green lawn is clean and quiet, giving the mouth a fresh feeling of rehousing. A white bungalow under construction is a lounge, which looks neat and comfortable. Although there is no student (holiday), but the mouth can imagine a student playing football in this resting place. Miss Zhang introduced to us this is a complete two lawn training ground, next to two of the land is the standard football training ground. The school also plans to develop six standard training ground and a playing field. Several lawn care workers on the lawn are spray insecticide, Miss Zhang introduced to us that care turf is very important, especially in China, a temperate four seasons countries. Big mouth In order to feel the children’s training atmosphere, specially ran empty run, I feel very good. Many Chinese A stadium also do not have such a venue, big mouth imagined gathered from all directions of children here for football, can not help but rise. However, due to misunderstanding big mouth, the children just vacation, big mouth had commissioned Beijing workstation colleagues Li Jin replaced me after school to take some children training film.
通过热处理实验,探讨长庆外输原油最优热处理条件及影响热处理效果的有关因素。 Through heat treatment experiments, discuss the optimal heat treatment conditions of
总则为了正确地选择所指定应用的离合器或制动器,必须考虑以下因素: 起动扭矩和工作扭矩的要求起动扭矩取决于被加速零部件的惯量、加速时间、运转速度和摩擦阻力。工作扭矩
This study was conducted to investigate the pattern of DNA methylation in pronuclear-stage mouse embryos derived from vitrified-warmed oocytes.Mouse oocytes at