宫颈乳头状腺瘤,在宫颈疾患中为较罕见,属良性肿瘤范畴,但有潜在恶变倾向。我院于一例拟诊青春期功血患者诊刮标本中,发现一例,特介绍于下: 陈××,女,18岁,未婚,1978年8月3日因月经过多重度贫血入院。以往月经正常。1977年开始月经周期缩短,经期延长达半个月左右,量中。1978年6月及7月月经大量涌出伴有凝块,经县医院输血600毫升及治疗,血量虽减,但淋漓不尽,乃到上海就医。初潮16岁,周期正常。幼年时曾患肝炎。入院时面色苍白,肝肋下可及,血红细胞200万/立方毫米,血红蛋白6克%,白细胞3,600/立方毫米,网状红细胞27%,血小板13.7万/立方毫米,凝血酶原时间13秒。妇检,除子宫略小外未发现异常。骨髓穿刺为增生性贫血。入院后纠正贫血,情况好转,于1978年9月6日月经来潮,次晨诊刮。窥器展开阴道即见-3×2×2厘米暗红色表面粗糙呈颗粒状息肉样的赘生物,自子宫颈外口管壁脱于阴道,蒂不长。继则扩张宫口并刮取子宫内膜,分别
Cervical papillary adenoma, rare in cervical disease, is a category of benign tumors, but there is a potential malignant tendency. In our hospital, a case of adolescent dysfunctional uterine bleeding was diagnosed in our hospital. One case was found. It was introduced in the following: Chen × ×, female, 18 years old, unmarried. On August 3, 1978, he was admitted to hospital due to multiple anemia. Menstrual normal. Beginning in 1977 menstrual cycle shortened, menstrual extension of up to half a month or so, volume. In June 1978 and July, a large number of menstruation was discharged with clots. The blood transfusured by the county hospital was 600ml and treated. Although the blood volume was reduced, it was thoroughly dripped and reached Shanghai for medical treatment. 16 years old, normal cycle. Had a hepatitis in childhood. Pale on admission, accessible to the liver, 2 million red blood cells per cubic millimeter, 6 grams of hemoglobin, 3,600 leukocytes per cubic millimeter, reticulocyte 27 percent, 137,000 feces per cubic millimeter, thrombin time 13 seconds. Maternity, except the uterus was found to be slightly smaller than the exception. Bone marrow puncture for hyperplastic anemia. Correct anemia after admission, the situation improved, menstrual cramps on September 6, 1978, the next morning curettage. Speculum expand the vagina to see that - 3 × 2 × 2 cm dark red surface roughness granular polypoid neoplasm, since the cervix uterus wall off the vagina, pedicle is not long. Following the expansion of uterine cervix and scrape the endometrium, respectively