经过整风、反右,以及农业发展纲要40条修正草案 的公布,和建设社会主义的总路线的形成,在全国出现 了工农业生产大跃进、思想生产双丰收、技术文化大革 命的新局面。各方面的跃进高潮,一个接着一个,汹涌 澎湃而来,生产指标一日数跃,捷报频传。运动的发展 过程大体上经过三个高
After the rectification, anti-rightist, and announcement of the 40 draft amendments to the Outline of Agricultural Development, and the formation of the general line of building socialism, a new situation has emerged in the country: the great leap forward in industrial and agricultural production, the double harvest of ideological production, and the revolution in technology and culture. The climax of every aspect of the leap forward, one after the other, came in turbulently. Production indicators jumped a few times a day, and the success was frequent. The development of the sport generally goes through three