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目的探讨规范化管理在社区高血压患者中的应用效果。方法选取2015年本社区收治的200例高血压患者,将其基线信息相近的患者,随机分为观察组与对照组,每组患者100例。观察组社区高血压患者采用规范化管理,对照组社区高血压患者则采用传统的社区高血压管理,一年以后比较两组患者血压控制率、高血压药物的依从性以及对高血压疾病知识的知晓率。结果观察组社区高血压患者的血压控制率、高血压药物的依从性以及高血压知识的知晓率均显著高于对照组社区高血压患者,对比两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论规范化管理社区高血压患者,能够较好地帮助患者控制血压,预防高血压并发症的发生,提高患者的生存质量,有利于患者的健康。 Objective To explore the effect of standardized management in community-based hypertensive patients. Methods A total of 200 hypertensive patients admitted in this community in 2015 were enrolled. Patients with similar baseline information were randomly divided into observation group and control group, with 100 patients in each group. The community-based hypertensive patients in the observation group were managed in a standardized way. The community-based hypertensive patients in the control group were treated with traditional community-based hypertension management. One year later, the blood pressure control rate, compliance with antihypertensive drugs and knowledge of hypertension were compared rate. Results The rate of blood pressure control, compliance of hypertension drugs and knowledge of hypertension in community-based hypertensive patients in observation group were significantly higher than those in control group. There was significant difference between the two groups (P <0.05). Conclusion The standardized management of hypertensive patients in community can help patients to control blood pressure, prevent the occurrence of hypertension complications and improve the quality of life of patients, which is good for patients’ health.
冰箱里往往会产生一股讨厌的臭味 ,但只要放进一个装有活性炭的口袋 ,臭味就很快没有了。活性炭有捕捉臭味的本领 ,还有防止毒气的本领 ,它是制造防毒面具的重要材料。活性炭
A total 61 clone parents and 320 open-pollination progenies from 8 clone individuals were identified by 12 polymorphic SSR loci.The result showed that the level
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本文利用磷霉素与氧化锆表面的强 Lewis酸碱作用 ,分别采用静态和动态两种途径以磷霉素对自制 Zr O2 固定相进行改性 ,考察了改性前后固定相色谱性能的变化。通过磷霉素改性
好莱坞的中国“三级跳”  进口片的到来,最初背负着“拯救中国市场”的使命。  中国电影本来盛极一时——1979年全国观影人次高达293亿,那是个全民观影的时代。到了1980年代,由于电视、录像带以及盗版的冲击,电影市场不断萎缩,全国各地的影院要么关闭要么入不敷出;至1990年代,全国的年观影人次已经只有3亿上下。  1992年,时任中影公司(即今天的中国电影集团)总经理的吴孟辰向电影局提议,采用国
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