詹姆斯·J.莱斯林(James J.Leisenring,1942-)是一位杰出的会计学家。因其对会计准则制定及提高会计准则质量做出的杰出贡献,于2003年入选美国会计名人堂,也是当年入选的三位成员之一。一、个人生平简介莱斯林在艾尔比奥学院(Albion College)获得学士学位,在西密歇根大学(Western Michigan University)攻读MBA。1964~1969年,他在西密歇根大学任教。1982年,莱斯林正式加入美国会计准则委员会(FASB),任研究与技术部主任。
James J. Leisenring (1942-) is a distinguished accountant. Due to its outstanding contribution to the development of accounting standards and the improvement of the quality of accounting standards, he was elected to the American Accounting Hall of Fame in 2003 as one of the three members selected for the year. A Personal Profile Leslie holds a bachelor’s degree from Albion College and an MBA from Western Michigan University. From 1964 to 1969, he taught at Western Michigan University. In 1982, Leslyn officially joined the United States Accounting Standards Board (FASB), director of research and technology.