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经羊膜腔内注射利凡诺是孕中期引产的常用方法。其优点是较安全、有效,缺点是胎盘、胎膜残留率较高。我院过去的7年中共引产460例,胎盘残留率为30.5%。近半年我们采用脐静脉注射催产素法,使胎盘、胎膜残留显著减少,现介绍如下。方法:待胎儿排出后立即用止血钳钳夹脐带,以催产素10单位加生理盐水20ml注入胎盘侧之脐静脉内,等待胎盘、胎膜自然娩出。结果:我院共做22例,年龄18~38岁,孕期16~34周,胎次1~5次,均为单胎妊娠。经脐静脉注射催产素后1~3分钟胎盘、胎膜完整排出者21例,另1例牵引脐带时脐带与胎盘连接处断裂,后经钳刮取出。22例出血量均在200ml以下。本法是将高浓度催产素经脐静脉直接注入胎盘床,刺激子宫收缩,导致胎盘附着处子宫面积缩小,促使蜕膜海绵层分离,形成胎盘后血肿,以加速胎盘、胎膜分离排出。 Intravenous amiodarone is the common method of induction of labor during the second trimester. Its advantage is safer, more effective, the disadvantage is the placenta, fetal membrane residual rate higher. In the past seven years in our hospital, a total of 460 cases of induced labor were reported in our hospital, with a residual rate of 30.5%. Nearly six months we use umbilical vein injection of oxytocin method, the placenta, fetal membrane residual significantly reduced, are described below. Methods: Immediately after the fetus was discharged, forceps were used to clamp the umbilical cord and the oxytocin 10 units plus normal saline 20ml was injected into the umbilical vein on the side of the placenta to wait for the placenta and fetal membranes to be delivered naturally. Results: A total of 22 cases of our hospital, aged 18 to 38 years, 16 to 34 weeks of pregnancy, parity 1 to 5 times, are singleton pregnancies. The umbilical vein injection of oxytocin 1 to 3 minutes after the placenta, complete discharge of fetal membranes in 21 cases, another case of umbilical cord traction with the placenta at the junction of rupture, removed by forceps. 22 cases of bleeding in less than 200ml. This method is the high concentrations of oxytocin directly into the placental bed through the umbilical vein to stimulate uterine contraction, resulting in reduced placental attachment uterine area, prompting decidual sponge layer separation, the formation of placental hematoma in order to speed up the placenta, fetal membrane separation and discharge.
例1 患者39岁,孕6产5,妊娠28周右上腹持续性剧痛14小时于1977年4月24日急症入院。1日来腹部隐瘴,今日上午5时突感右上腹刀割样痛,伴出冷汗,当地医生测血压60~70/40mmHg,胎心
产前应用超声诊断胎儿异常具有方法简单可靠,对孕妇和胎儿均安全无害等优点。现将我们在近两年来应用超声诊断胎儿畸形等异常情况的经验介绍如下。 Prenatal ultrasound di