如何深化港口体制改革 ,实行政企分开 ,这是摆在我们面前的重要议题。继深圳港之后 ,南方沿海港口如汕头港、厦门港、泉州港等都先后进行港口管理体制改革 ,实行政企分设 ,并逐步形成了星火燎原之势 ,将燃遍全国沿海港口。在这改革的潮流之中 ,福州港经历了深刻的历史性的变化
How to deepen the reform of the port system and implement the separation of government from enterprises is an important issue before us. Following Shenzhen Port, the coastal ports in southern China such as Shantou Port, Xiamen Port and Quanzhou Port successively carried out the reform of the port management system and implemented the separation of government from enterprises, and gradually formed the trend of sparking a single spark of fire that would burn all over the country’s coastal ports. Among the trends of this reform, Fuzhou Port has undergone profound historical changes