丹麦设计大师鲍里斯柏林(BORIS BERLIN)从事家具设计多年,反观从业多年的经历,他提出问题:“那么为什么不尝试更加宽容,让材料根据自己‘所想’来表现?为什么不给东西‘反常的’、独特的自由?”在KOMPLOT DESIGN设计工作室和ISKOSBERLIN DESIGN设计工作室,他和搭档一起在日常用具中探索新科技和新物料,为普通不过的用品带来全新面貌。
BORIS BERLIN, a Danish designer, has been designing furniture for many years. On the other hand, after many years of experience in business, he asked the question: “Why do not we try to be more tolerant so that materials will behave as they want? Why not give something? Unusual, unique freedom? ”At KOMPLOT DESIGN Design Studio and ISKOSBERLIN DESIGN Design Studio, he and his partner explore new technologies and materials in their daily appliances, bringing a new look to ordinary items.