结肠癌在我国的发病率有增高的趋势,成年人多见。与其它消化道癌肿比较,生长比较慢,转移也比较晚。大肠癌约一半发生在直肠,其次为乙状结肠、盲肠、升结肠、降结肠及横结肠依次减少。发病原因与结肠腺瘤、息肉病、慢性炎症性病变有一定关系。与饮食结构的关系,主要是致癌的物质如非饱和多环烃类物质的增多,以及在结肠滞留过久,与粘膜接触的机会较多有关。因此认为与少纤维、高脂肪饮食有关。此外少数有家族性,可能与遗传因子有关。临床分期:(1)Ⅰ期(Dukes A期):癌局
The incidence of colon cancer in our country has an increasing trend, more common in adults. Compared with other gastrointestinal cancer, growth is slow, the transfer is relatively late. About half of colorectal cancer occurs in the rectum, followed by sigmoid colon, cecum, ascending colon, descending colon and transverse colon in turn decreased. The cause of the disease and colon adenoma, polyposis, chronic inflammatory disease have a certain relationship. The relationship with the diet structure, mainly carcinogenic substances such as unsaturated polycyclic hydrocarbons increased, as well as retention in the colon too long, and mucosal exposure to more opportunities. So that with less fiber, high fat diet. In addition a few have familial, may be related to genetic factors. Clinical stage: (1) Stage Ⅰ (Dukes A): Cancer Board