“从实绩看德才,凭德才用干部” 树立科学正确的政绩观——推行干部综合考核评价办法的思考

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随着“唯经济是举”、“唯发展是瞻”的政绩观在实践中暴露出愈来愈多的问题,树立科学发展观和科学政绩观已经成为中央对各级政府的要求。但是科学政绩观的树立不是一蹴而就的,政绩考核机制事实上直接影响着地方官员的政绩观。最近,中组部下发的《体现科学发展观要求的地方党政领导班子和领导干部综合考核评价试行办法》,成为今明两年省、市、县、乡四级党委集中换届,政府领导班子换届的基本依据。无疑,这一综合考核评价办法的实施,将会督促地方官员更好地按照科学发展观的要求来决定和实施政绩工程,进而影响广大领导干部新的政绩观的形成。 With the concept of “Only economy is the only solution” and the concept of “Only development is the result of development”, more and more problems have been exposed in practice. Establishing the scientific concept of development and the concept of scientific achievements has become the central government’s request to all levels of government. However, the establishment of the scientific concept of political achievements is not accomplished in a single step, and the performance appraisal system in fact directly affects the performance view of local officials. Recently, the “Trial Measures for Comprehensive Assessment and Assessment of Leading Cadres and Local Party and Government Leading Groups and Local Cadres Demanded by the Scientific Outlook on Development” has been promulgated recently by the Central Organization Department. This has led to the general election of party committees at the provincial, municipal, county and township levels in the next two years and the change of government leadership The basic basis. Undoubtedly, the implementation of this comprehensive appraisal and evaluation method will urge local officials to better determine and implement performance projects in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept, thereby affecting the formation of a new performance concept of the majority of leading cadres.
人到中年的我曾有过两次婚姻,而这两次婚姻都终结在第七个年头。我曾经下决心不再谈感情,至少不再触碰婚姻,直到我遇见了现任女友。虽然我们相处的还算甜蜜,但过去的两段感情却时常会像放电影一样出现在我的脑海中,我很怕第三次感情会再一次重蹈前两次婚姻的覆辙。这让我很矛盾,这段感情因此也就常常在放手或继续间纠结。我该怎么办呢?“七年之痒”难道真的是我难以逃脱的宿命吗? 诺杨  素来都有婚姻“七年之痒”的说法,