两年一度的世界杯足球赛明年将在法国举行,争夺入选资格的比赛正在激烈地进行着。7月22日,亚洲十强分组结果宣布。中国队能否“冲出亚洲、走向世界”,牵动着亿万人的心,寄托着国人的厚望;而本世纪最后一届世界杯足球赛,自然也备受关注。随着小组比赛渐入火热阶段,网上的世界杯站点逐渐热了起来。 http://www.fifa2.com/是国际足联的站点,内容全面且权威,全面报道联赛新闻、刊登足联电子杂志,还有足球赛集锦、球赛纪念品专卖、足球爱好者
The biennial FIFA World Cup will be held in France next year and fierce competition is taking place. July 22, announced the results of Asia’s top ten sub-group. Whether the Chinese team “out of Asia, to the world” affects the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, pinning the hope of the people; and the last FIFA World Cup this year, naturally also attracted much attention. As the group stage fiery stage, online World Cup site gradually heat up. http://www.fifa2.com/ is FIFA’s site, comprehensive and authoritative content, a comprehensive coverage of the league news, published FIFA e-zine, as well as soccer highlights, game memorabilia Monopoly, football fans