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近年来,融资担保问题愈来愈受到学术界的重视。从世界范围来看,融资担保法制已步入大变革时代。这种变革主要有以下特征:第一,担保法的结构和功能正在由静态担保向动态交易转型;第二,担保标的物的重心正在由不动产向动产(包括权利)偏移;第三,担保法的属性正在由物权(物权法定)向债权(私法自治)转轨。从东亚区域来看,融资担保法制正在快速与世界接轨。2007年,适应前述世界担保法制发展的潮流,中国《物权法》明确 In recent years, the issue of financing guarantee has drawn more and more attention from academia. From a global perspective, the financing guarantee legal system has entered a period of great change. This change has the following main features: First, the structure and function of the guarantee law is being transformed from a static guarantee to a dynamic transaction; second, the center of gravity of the guarantee is shifting from real property to movable property (including rights); and third, The property of law is being transferred from property (statutory right) to claims (private law autonomy). Judging from the East Asian region, the financing guarantee legal system is rapidly adapting to the world. In 2007, in keeping with the trend of the development of the world-guaranteed legal system as mentioned above, China’s “Property Law” is clear
“啊啊啊!救命啊!”第一次进鬼屋时的情景仍在我心中久久不能忘怀。是啊,第一次进鬼屋既令我害怕,又令我成长。尽管我知道妖魔鬼怪都是假的,却还是心有余悸。  那天的下午,燥热得让人烦闷。反正在家也是煎熬,于是我和姐姐打算一起去公园玩。这次去公园,我们的目标直指从未体验过的鬼屋。  买好了票,看着票上狰狞的怪兽,我心里有一股不祥的预感,就这样疑神疑鬼地走到了鬼屋。看着鬼屋后死灰般的假山,看着石壁上个个狰