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为了适应时代发展的要求,培养新世纪社会人才,我国开始对高职院校单独招生考试制度进行改革,迄今为止,已经具有八年的试点经验。经过改革,高职院校的单独招生制度日益完善,为未来人才的培养指明了方向。因此,本文对高职院校单独招生考试制度改革进行了研究,从试点现状、考试等方面来对单独招生制度做了进一步的分析,并提出了一些可行性建议,以供参考。 In order to meet the requirements of the development of the times and cultivate social talents in the new century, our country has started the reform of the separate enrollment and examination system for higher vocational colleges. So far, we have had eight years of pilot experience. After the reform, the system of independent enrollment of higher vocational colleges has been improved day by day, pointing out the direction for the cultivation of talents in the future. Therefore, this article has carried on the research to the independent enrollment examination system reform in the higher vocational colleges, makes the further analysis to the individual enrollment system from the pilot present situation, the examination and so on, and has put forward some feasible suggestions, for the reference.
青海“花儿”在过去一段时间曾处在很尴尬的境地,对它,人们存在很大的偏见,使它在成长中遭受了许多不公平的待遇。“花儿”的这种尴尬处境,在“花儿”唱词里也表达得淋漓尽致:“花椒的树上你别上,上去时枝丫儿挂哩。庄子里到了你别唱,你唱时老汉们骂哩。”  青海“花儿”的前两句大多是起兴,后两句才是要表达的意思。“花儿”在这么多年的演变过程中,已经从单纯的谈情说爱发展到歌颂祖国、赞美河山、传播友情的工具,还加