拍摄地点:意大利,五渔村/拍摄时间:4月7日,14:00INFO:Nikon D700,F/22,30s,ISO 10O五渔村位于意大利拉斯佩齐亚省沿海地区,是蒙特罗索、韦尔纳扎、科尔尼利亚、马纳罗拉及里奥马焦雷这五个悬崖边上的村镇的统称,五彩的建筑和陡峭的岩壁是这里的标志。午后,天空阴云密布,海水透出一丝翡翠绿色,海浪光涌,我用长曝光的方式“抚平”海面,留住了片刻静谧。
Location: Italy, Cinque Terre / shooting time: April 7, 14: 00INFO: Nikon D700, F / 22,30s, ISO 10O Cinque Terre is located in the coastal area of La Spezia, Italy, is Monterossoe, Wei The five cliff-borough villages and towns of El Nazar, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiol are collectively referred to as colorful buildings and steep rock walls. In the afternoon, the sky was covered with dark clouds and the sea was full of emerald green and the waves were surging. I used the long exposure method to “calm down” the sea and keep it quiet for a moment.