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伴随丰富馆藏实践的发展,特色馆藏建设问题引起了档案界的注意,发表了诸多有益的见解。笔者也乘机特成此文,加入到对此同题的讨论中来。一、特色馆藏问题研究的出发点特色馆藏问题研究是丰富馆藏实践及理论研究深入发展的结果。自80年代提出并实施丰富馆藏战略以来,档案馆丰富馆藏实践经历了由单一的数量型向数量、质量结合型转变的发展过程。在此过程中,档案馆网络的合理布局、馆藏范围的合理界定、馆藏结构的全面性与质量优化、馆藏的效益性与社会服务功能的最佳化等已成为指导、监控当今丰富馆氟的理论与实施依据。有鉴于此,我们可以明确地将特色馆藏问题研究的出发点界定为:为实现馆藏的最优化和丰富馆藏实践提供理论指导。从理论上讲档案馆是以维护社会历史面貌为己任的,在合理界定档案馆收藏范围的前提下,每个档案馆均对应于某一特定的社会区域或行业、 With the development of rich collection practices, the issue of special collection collections has drawn the attention of the archives community and published many useful insights. I also took advantage of this article, joined the discussion on the same topic. First, the characteristics of the starting point for the collection of collections Research on the characteristics of collections is the result of enriching the collection of practice and theoretical research in-depth development. Since the collection and implementation of a rich collection strategy in the 1980s, the archives’ rich collection practices have undergone a process of transformation from a single quantitative type to a quantitative and qualitative one. In this process, the rational layout of the archives network, the reasonable definition of the collection range, the comprehensiveness and quality optimization of the collection structure, the benefit of the collection and the optimization of social service functions have all become the guide to monitor the richness of today’s rich museum Theory and implementation basis. In view of this, we can define the starting point of the research on the special collections problem explicitly as providing theoretical guidance for the optimization of the collections and the enrichment of collection practices. In theory, the archives museum is to maintain the social and historical outlook as its own responsibility, in a reasonable definition of the scope of collection of archives under the premise of each archives correspond to a particular social area or industry,
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