“POWER WOMEN”:首先是一个职业人——记中海石油研究中心开发设计院项目经理 朱江

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女性出任设计项目经理,在中海石油朱江是最早的。带着钦佩、好奇,记者于2002年4月15日在北京京信大厦采访了她。她对记者说:“作项目经理,这是我设计生涯的又一次人生飞跃。当时海洋石油正处于快速发展时期,领导把这么重要工作交给我,我感到是对我的信任和考验。女性有女性的优势,心细、考虑问题周全。虽然,当经理很辛苦,但与自己当年在农村插队时,磨得满手血泡还要下地干活那股累劲相比,就算不了什么。” Women as design project manager, Zhuhai in CNOOC is the earliest. With admiration and curiosity, the reporter interviewed her at Beijing Capital Tower on April 15, 2002. She told reporters: "As a project manager, this is another life leap in my design career. At that time, the offshore oil industry was in a period of rapid development. The leadership gave me such an important task. I feel that it is a trust and a test for me. There are feminine strengths, attentiveness, thoughtful questions, though managers are hardworking, but nothing compares to the extraordinarily vigorous workouts they had when working in rural areas.