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底层文学是21世纪初中国当代文学最重要的文学现象之一,而中国文学又是东方文学不可分割的组成部分,相比西方文学,讨论东方文学视域下的底层文学对中国文学更具亲缘性和启发性。从东方文学史来看,从上古埃及的劳动歌谣到中古印度的故事文学以及阿拉伯的市井文学,读者都能够感受到东方底层文学存在的痕迹。自近代以来,随着东方社会转型,描写工人、农民等下层人物的作品在各个地区大量涌现,形成了蔚为壮观的东方底层文学现象。本文将截取底层文 The underlying literature is one of the most important literary phenomena in contemporary Chinese literature at the beginning of 21st century, while Chinese literature is an integral part of oriental literature. Compared with western literature, the study of the underlying literature in the perspective of oriental literature is more related to Chinese literature Sexual and inspiring. From the history of oriental literature, readers can feel the traces of the underlying literature in the East from the songs of the songs of ancient Egypt to the story of Middle India and the well-to-do literature of Arabia. Since the modern times, with the social transformation in the East, the works of the lower-class figures such as workers and peasants have emerged in various regions, forming the magnificent phenomenon of the oriental literary underworld. This article will intercept the bottom of the text
企业家们一面青睐高精尖技术,一面却热衷封建帝王的权杖;一面引进先进管理工具,一面却在塑造组织奴性。 Entrepreneurs favor high-tech skills while they are keen to feu
The compressibility properties of systems consisting of generic rotating rigid triangles are analyzed and discussed.It is shown that these systems which are usu
东莞读者黄女士陈述:我是从外地来广东打工的打工妹,跟丈夫结婚已经十多年,但是他一直对我不好,不仅有外遇,还时常打骂我,我想跟他离婚,但是他坚决不肯,反而变本加厉,而我又没有证据证明我们夫妻感情确实已经破裂。我记得我以前登记结婚的时候由于没回老家,因此是由我妹妹代替我去跟他签字的,不知道这个能否成为我们婚姻无效的理由呢?我能不能要求判决我们的婚姻无效?   答:1、《中华人民共和国婚姻法》第十条规
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