7月31日,意大利罗马多日阴雨的天气放晴,中国国家电网公司收购意大利国有融资机构CDP全资子公司CDP RETI 35%股份终于尘埃落定。在意大利总理马泰奥·伦齐、中国驻意大利大使李瑞宇、中国国家电网公司董事长刘振亚的见证下,双方代表正式签署协议,现场掌声雷动,这是中国在意大利最大规模的投资。继投资菲律宾、巴西、葡萄牙、澳大利亚之后,国家电网公司又一次成功投资欧洲成熟市场,在全球棋
On July 31, the cloudy and rainy weather in Rome, Italy, cleared up and the final settlement of 35% of China CDC’s acquisition of a 35% stake in CDP RETI, a wholly owned subsidiary of Italian state-owned financing agency CDP, was finally settled. Witnessed by Italian Prime Minister Marténchénzé, Chinese Ambassador to Italy Li Ruiyu and China National Grid Corporation Chairman Liu Zhenya, representatives of both sides signed a formal agreement to applaud the scene. This is China’s largest investment in Italy. Following the investment in the Philippines, Brazil, Portugal and Australia, State Grid Corporation has once again successfully invested in mature markets in Europe,