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汉字源远流长,它既是世界最古老的文字之一,又是至今硕果仅存的一种方块表意字,早在六千多年前,原始社会的晚期,汉族的先民们就在各种器物上刻画符号,后来渐渐演变为汉字。最初,汉字仅仅起着思想交流、文化继承等重要的社会作用,后来人们在篆刻和书写中不断追求字体线条美、变化美、章法美与风格美等,书法作为一门艺术开始萌发。从殷商的甲骨文、金文,经过秦朝的小篆、隶书,到定型于东汉、魏晋的草书、楷书、行书诸体,书法一直散发着艺术的魅力。 The Chinese characters have a long history. They are both one of the oldest characters in the world and the only remaining ideogram of a square till now. As early as 6000 years ago, the ancestors of the Han people portrayed symbols on various artifacts , Then gradually evolved into Chinese characters. Initially, Chinese characters only played an important social role of exchange of ideas and inheritance of culture. Later on, people constantly pursued the beauty of line style, change of beauty, beauty of style and beauty of style in seal cutting and writing. Calligraphy began to germinate as an art. From the inscriptions on Oracle, Jinwen, through the Qin Dynasty’s Xiaozhuan, official scripture, to stereotypes in the Eastern Han, Wei and Jin cursive script, regular script, practicing all kinds of books, calligraphy has been exudes artistic charm.
白蛾周氏啮小蜂(Chouioia cunea Yang)是美国白蛾的蛹期内寄生蜂,已广泛应用于美国白蛾的生物防治.目前国内外对寄生蜂毒器官的研究越来越深入,但白蛾周氏啮小蜂毒器官的研究
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