Ten Philosophers Cannot Match One Gourmet

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  Ten philosophers cannot match one gourmet. Some time ago, read a book about the philosophical paradox. Which one spoke, a vegetarian, they encountered a genetically modified pigs. Pig powerful is the ability to speak; more powerful place, is it his life's dream is to sacrifice human table above. In other words, it was thinking only to be eaten. Excitedly toward the slaughterhouse, it has long been talk to all their ideals. However, at the dinner table, in the face of the bowel and the meatloaf made with the carcass of bacon, the vegetarian is not available to the knife and fork. Logic, vegetarians have been no theoretical basis, he had no reason to not respect the great head of the pig. But in fact he is the nausea. The paradox is that, take it or not, they are wrong.
  Every time when I ponder this paradox, I feel sorry for the pig. I think of yellow orange. This is the local talking heads, not the nonsense of talking heads on TV, well-known for obsessed with eating.His nine books, included four greedy experiences. The rest of books, half are eat and drink.
  Well, he can go thousand miles to Mexico for delicious trotters. For such a person, if there are only ardent eager pigs, I just cannot imagine how it works.
  One of the most qualified gourmets, with a history of the greatest pig, might have such a dialogue -
  Pig: "So then, how will you eat my ribs?"
  Yellow Orange: "What style of cooking do you like,Germany ,Portugal, Vietnam ,Brazil , African? In China there are 380 kinds of cooking methods. I know 27kinds of methods there in Portugal. By the way, what kind of chef do you like?Fat or skinny? You like beautiful women to eat you, or a child to eat you? You like a knife and fork or chopsticks, or simply hand holding? You like on the Chinese square table, or enter the Spanish-style restaurant ..."
  Do not regard him as a wordy man. This gourmet I know pays much more attention to eating than this scene.
  Thinking one of the greatest pigs, the case is not on such a sophisticated gourmet, I get angry. Therefore, I read only to the philosophy in this book ,the pig's experience, so far, probably Page 15.
  In my heart, ten philosophers cannot match a gourmet.
  Well, if who I listed ten creed of life, I will be in the second column: "Recognizing twenty-three gourmet" after this one is "Be good" and "does not lend money to friends "like the old tune.I respect gourmets so much not only because I was born in hunger years, but also because I always think gourmet embodies the virtue of a general lack - the spirit of sharing. A true gourmet cannot stop sharing a delicious with everyone   A real professional gourmets’ taste are always popular and ordinary.
  Most of my friends are obsessed with eating. For instance, a friend of mine designed to eat something unfamiliar. Long times ago, worked in the countryside. His staff dug a bunch of bats; peeled their flesh and cooked them. Years later, he often smack aftertaste. Another friend claims to have never met the real spicy food. Even that people cannot breathe Hainan yellow pepper, chewing up quietly. His lifelong desire for food is real spicy back.
  Personally, most of them have pica or toxicologist. For example, once I heard that India has “Lethal pepper”. I’m eager to let that Uncle Pepper likes it.I believe you cannot image the feeling when you put trace hot pepper into the swimming poor. It’s like someone use a hammer and beat your heart.It’s interesting and funny to gourmet.
  Quite the contrary, Yellow Orange usually cooking dishes use ordinary materials.
  Another feature of the doctrine of the gourmet is not too rich or too poor. Spending much money on expensive dishes .For instance, nest, shark's fin, etc. In fact, just eat protein and carbohydrates. For the poor, you may have the feature to become a gastronome but first and foremost is to fill up your stomachs. It’s very common that someone such as yellow orange, a white-collar who has a little money and has some delicate sentiment for life ,can join in a tongue trip.
  The gourmets’ ability is to be able to tune a rich variety of tasty morsels fit for everyone. In general, to organize a successful dinner is no easy than to host a plenary session or international conference. Meeting place where representatives of the ratios are quite important. If half of those who are sitting around are not good at talking, no matter how good the quality of the meal is, it is still tasteless.
  Just as the saying goes "Food and sex are human nature.” Gourmets appreciate the food wholeheartedly. Freud's instinct theory said that “libido” can stay on gourmets’ lips for a long time.Of course “libido” can help gourmets such as Yellow Orange to write interesting stories and never feel boring.
  I have a friend who is able to take part in intelligent discussion on” food and sex are basic human desires”. The only real downside is he needs go out with belle to enjoy meals.If there are no more belle wants to eat with him he cannot enjoy foods.This guy make good dinner became ①“Jamie Young's fish soup” .He wasted that "mermaid".
  Enjoy dinner with Yellow orange led me to have hallucination. Like a spirit of the purest beauty.Gourmets guided us taste by heart.
  He is a senior media editor ,one of the most popular writers in Xiamen.
  He is eight feet tall, born with a good stomach. He is very picky about foods and the major restaurants in Xiamen are afraid of him.
  He has a lot of friends, a well-read person and able to write many articles .
  ①Jamie Yang’s fish soup
  From the Russian krylov allegory works.Krylov is the world famous fable writer.
  The story is told that, Jamie Yang's house have a guest come to visit.He is pleased to cooked delicious fresh fish soup entertain guests.The guests said fish soup is very delicious. Jamie Yang was very glad to hear that.Then he's been cooking fish soup over and over until the guests never want to see the soup.
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