芦笋又名石刁柏、龙须菜,为多年生宿根草本植物,其所含天门冬酰胺具有抗癌、防止癌细胞扩散等功能。其主要栽培技术是: 一、品种选择 目前主要栽培品种有抗锈病品种玛丽·华盛顿和适合采收的绿芦笋加州309、加州大学711号、加州72等优种。 二、栽培要点 (一)浸种?
Asparagus, also known as asparagus, asparagus, is a perennial herbaceous plant, which contains aspartame with anti-cancer, to prevent cancer cell proliferation and other functions. The main cultivation techniques are: First, the choice of varieties At present, the main cultivars are rust-resistant varieties of Mary Washington and suitable for harvesting green asparagus California 309, University of California 711, California 72 and other superior. Second, the main points of cultivation (A) soaking species?