【摘 要】
Understanding the influence of nanoparticles on the formation of protein amyloid fibrillation is cru-cial to extend their application in related biological diagnosis and nanomedicines.In this work,Ra-man spectroscopy was used to probe the amyloid fibrilla
【机 构】
Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale,iChEM (Collaborative Innovation Ce
Understanding the influence of nanoparticles on the formation of protein amyloid fibrillation is cru-cial to extend their application in related biological diagnosis and nanomedicines.In this work,Ra-man spectroscopy was used to probe the amyloid fibrillation of hen egg-white lysozyme in the pres-ence of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) at different concentrations,combined with atomic force mi-croscopy and thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence assays.Four representative Raman indicators were utilized to monitor transformation of the protein tertiary and secondary structures at the molecular level:the Trp doublet bands at 1340 and 1360 cm-1,the disulfide stretching vibrational peak at 507 cm-1,the N-Ccα-C stretching vibration at 933 cm-1,and the amide I band.All experimental results confirmed the concentration-dependent influence of AgNPs on the hen egg-white lysozyme amyloid fibrillation kinetics.In the presence of AgNPs at low concentration (17 μg/mL),electrostatic interaction of the nanoparticles stabilizes disulfide bonds,and protects the Trp residues from exposure to hydrophilic environment,thus leading to formation of amorphous aggregates rather than fibrils.However,with the action of AgNPs at high concentration (1700 μg/mL),the native disulfide bonds of hen egg-white lysozyme are broken to form Ag-S bonds owing to the competition of electrostatic interaction from a great deal of nanoparticles.As for providing functional surfaces for protein to interact with,AgNPs play a bridge role in direct transformation from cα-helices to organized β-sheets.The present investigation sheds light on the controversial effects of AgNPs on the kinetics of hen egg-white lysozyme amyloid fibrillation.
为进一步降低侧扫声纳回波信号中非高斯分布的乘性噪声,获取更佳效果的侧扫声纳图像,提出了一种利用小波和NLM(nonlocal means)滤波的组合降噪方法。首先采用同态变换将侧扫声纳回波ping信号中的乘性噪声转换为加性噪声,然后利用小波阈值和NLM滤波对侧扫声纳每ping回波数据实施降噪处理,最后经过小波反变换和指数变换获取降噪后信号和图像。仿真实验和实测数据验证结果表明,该方法适用于侧扫声纳
利用中国气象局模式格点化预报3h降水数据以及山东省的灾害天气短时临近预报预警业务系统(Severe weather auto-matic nowcast system,简称SWAN)提供的降水估计产品,基于动态融合算法改进权重分配方式,对山东半岛2016-2018年9个降水实例20个时刻点的预报结果进行融合,结果表明:融合后的结果可达到弥补雷达外推漏报、减小模式误报,调整模式极值位置,提高SWAN极值强度的效果;定量评分表明:融合结果在偏差评分和TS评分上总体更优.
The pharmaceuti-cally active com-pound atenolol,a kind of β-blockers,may result in ad-verse effects both for human health and ecosystems if it is excreted to the surface water resources.To effectively remove atenolol in the environment,both direct and ind
采用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对水深为3.5~12.8 m的防城港海域6个测站大潮期间观测获得的表、中、底层潮流资料进行了分析.计算结果表明:观测海域以不正规全日潮为主,且全日分潮中K1振幅大于O1;测区的潮流分潮比WM4/WM2大于0.04,表明测区中浅海分潮流具有较大的比重,故测区的潮流性质应为不正规全日浅海潮流的类型;各站位各层表现出不同的潮流运动形式,往复流和旋转流同时存在,不同站位、层次之间的明显差异还需要结合详细的地形条件展开研究;大部分站位的余流流速呈现表层>中层>底层,流向大致在NNE
本文探索研究了Pb2+和Fe3+在不同水溶液中对三唑磷的光降解影响.结果 表明:在300 W高压汞灯照射下,在去离子水中,不同浓度的Pb2+对三唑磷的光降解均起抑制作用.在人工海水中,0.01 mg/L和0.1 mg/L的Pb2+对三唑磷的光降解有抑制作用,而1 mg/L的Pb2+明显地促进了光降解.在天然海水中,1 mg/L的Pb2+对三唑磷的光降解起了抑制作用,而0.01 mg/L和0.1 mg/L的Pb2+在光照前60 min促进了光降解,后60 min则起了抑制作用.不同浓度的Fe3+在人工海水和
The study of interactions between surfactant and salt in aqueous solutions has attracted significant interest in recent years because of their widespread applications and relatively complex behavior.This work reports the systematic study of surface phenom
从抗氧化酶活性的变化揭示氨氮胁迫对刀鲚稚幼鱼毒性效应的机制,为其健康养殖提供科学依据.分别以刀鲚稚鱼(体长2.33 cm±0.25 cm)和幼鱼(体长5.12 cm±0.45 cm)为试验对象,进行96 h氨氮急性毒性试验,得出各自的96h半致死浓度96hLC50以及安全浓度.然后,分别用刀鲚稚幼鱼40%96 h LC50进行24h的氨氮胁迫试验并取样,然后,将胁迫组剩余的刀鲚放入曝气自来水中进行24 h的恢复试验,胁迫及恢复试验均取全鱼测定其总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、总超氧化物歧