Radiological analysis of image on geriatric pulmonary tuberculosis

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lygcctv
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Objective: To evaluate the radiological features in the cases with geriatric pulmonary tuberculosis(GPTB). Methods: One hundred and two elderly patients with tuberculosis were studied in this paper. All patients had an examination on chest X-ray, and 63 of them had a chest scan of CT. Results: The pulmonary tuberculosis infiltration, caseous pneumonia and cavitary lesions were found in 85, 11 and 19 cases with GPTB respectively. Acute miliary tuberculosis was diagnosed in 2 cases. Pleural effusion was in 26 cases. In addition, Hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy was presented in the other 13 cases. Conclusion: Radiological findings of GPTB were atypical in general. Objective: To evaluate the radiological features in the cases with geriatric pulmonary tuberculosis (GPTB). Methods: One hundred and two elderly patients with tuberculosis were studied in this paper. All patients had an examination on chest X-ray, and 63 of them had A chest scan of CT. Results: The pulmonary tuberculosis infiltration, caseous pneumonia and cavitary lesions were found in 85, 11 and 19 cases with GPTB respectively. Acute miliary tuberculosis was diagnosed in 2 cases. Pleural effusion was in 26 cases. In addition, Hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy was presented in the other 13 cases. Conclusion: Radiological findings of GPTB were atypical in general.
今年9月30日是我国第一个法定烈士纪念日,广东各地开展了各种纪念活动,纪念各个历史时期为了民族独立解放和国家主权安全、为了我们今天的和平幸福而英勇献身的国家烈士。  对烈士最好的纪念是传承其精神。传承烈士精神是时代的需要,是国家走向富强、民族走向振兴的需要,也是实现人民更加幸福美好生活的需要。缅怀烈士,告慰英灵,让烈士精神融进我们每个人的血脉,生生不息、薪火相传。  怀集  9月30日,怀集县举行
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