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IN RECENT years the progress of patent work in Shanxi is obviously rapid and the number of application for patent has increased from 140 in 1985 to 1020 in 1997, a yearly growth of 21%, and major work for patent has been carried out as follows:1. Propagandize actively and enforce strictly the patent law; 2. Strengthen the construction of legal system and safeguard the legal right & interests of patentees; 3. Gain the obvious achievements of application of patent technology; 4. Set up actively the retrieval system of patent documents;5. Initially established the system of patent management &service . IN RECENT years the progress of patent work in Shanxi is significantly rapid and the number of application for patent has increased from 140 in 1985 to 1020 in 1997, an annual growth of 21%, and major work for patent has been carried out as follows: 1. Propagandize actively and enforced strictly the patent law; 2. Strengthen the construction of legal system and safeguard the legal rights & interests of patentees; 3. Gain the obvious achievements of application of patent technology; 4. Set up actively the retrieval system of patent documents; 5. Initially established the system of patent management & service.
4花2老s/la活泼旦』多生4这11t有一J兀属,5 6 5 44那吸有一只4I’13小5鱿;二/61 已叨一曰︸刁,矗,5嘎/4一八O一1一摇7一︸扁,23一摆2 75会说话.54“小朋友2礼4J妇。二!二5小朋友
一、前言用 Schering 电桥进行高压电容和损耗因数测量的常规方法,自1920年以来早已众所周知。在其应用的63年时间内该电桥被证明具有良好的稳定度和精确度。在1:1的 c_X:c_
马钢2500 m~3高炉自投产起,已取得了显著的技术进步和良好的生产指标。高炉寿命与高炉炉型、冷却设备、冷却水质、耐材选择、砌砖工程质量、炉体综合监测、精料、良好的高炉