“Two Countries, Twin Parks” to Further Strengthen China—Malaysia Industrial—Capacity Cooperation

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  The construction of China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (CMQIP) and Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP) — abbreviated as “Two Countries, Twin Parks” — is seen as an innovative paradigm for inter-governmental cooperation between China and Malaysia. As early as April 2011, then Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak agreed to jointly build the “Twin Parks”; on April 1, 2012, they both witnessed the launching ceremony of CMQIP, the third inter-governmental project in China after China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park and Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city.
  Five-year achievements
  The year 2017 marks the 5th anniversary of CMQIP. On March 13, 2017, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, Malaysian Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China, led a group of 19 representatives to visit CMQIP and conducted exchanges with heads of the CMQIP Administration Committee. They also attended the signing ceremony for a MoU on building a Malaysia-themed town in CMQIP. Once completed, more Malaysian enterprises with local features will be attracted to start their businesses in the park.
  At present, significant headway has been made in several items: The first-initiated zone covering 7.87 square kilometers has been built up; a batch of major projects, including the National Experiment for Esculent Swift’s Nest and HEBABIZ, has been put into operation; the construction of China-Malaysia International Science & Technology Park and vocational education training base is accelerating; the agreements on building Beidou Satellite Industrial Park, China-ASEAN Marine Products Trading Market and so on in CMQIP have been signed, etc. CMQIP, as indicated by Mr. Gao Pu, Executive Deputy Director of the CMQIP Administration Committee, is making China’s competitive industries accessible to Malaysia while bringing in featured projects from Malaysia.
  Virtually, work has been done to expedite both the accession of industrial projects and the building of urban infrastructure facilities since 2016. Statistically, over 50 industrial projects have been set up in CMQIP, with the total investment exceeding 28 billion yuan, by the end of 2016.
  Two Parks: Poised for international cooperation
  As international industrial-capacity cooperation becomes an important driving force for the world economy, the two governments are dedicated to building CMQIP and MCKIP into two significant carriers and demonstration parks.
  As set out in the development program of CMQIP, there are four main work priorities:   First, highlighting advanced manufacturing industry. CMQIP is cultivating the emerging industries such as bio-pharmaceuticals, high-end equipment, intelligent manufacturing, new-generation information technologies, new materials and Beidou Satellite application. Moreover, efforts are being made to share information about advanced technologies and equipment with the Malaysian counterpart, and thus to promote the innovation and upgrading of industries.
  Second, cooperating further on the featured, competitive industries. The markets of palm, esculent swift’s nest and halal foods will be explored through cooperation, and the quality and benefits improved. Besides, China’s advanced industrial-capacity enterprises — which are specialized in steel, petrochemicals, ship repair and building, automobiles, electronics and engineering machinery, etc. — will be attracted to invest in MCKIP.
  Third, strengthening cooperation on the research and development of new projects. Emphasis should be placed on the cooperation between eminent universities and research institutes of the two countries, so as to make more technological findings commercialized, to cultivate the incubator for entrepreneurship or innovation and to facilitate the combination of capital, innovated projects and scientific research teams.
  Fourth, and last, prioritizing the cooperation on green development. Advanced technologies of energy saving and environmental protection will be applied to both the development of cyclic economy and the preservation of natural conditions and resources, with a view to ensuring the sound, ecological and sustainable development of the two parks.
  Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting hopes that Malaysian investors interested in CMQIP will energetically contribute to the accession of Malaysia’s competitive industries to the park, and he and his colleagues will make the investment promotion more comprehensive through the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia and other organizations in Malaysia.
  As China’s economy continues to grow, experts believe that Malaysian SMEs and even large-scale ones are inclined to access the Chinese market. Given this, CMQIP will definitely serve as an excellent platform for their entry.
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