端正认识抓关键 因地制宜种好麦

来源 :湖北农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenderchu
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解放以来,我省小麦单产、总产都有所增长,今年又取得了大丰收,总产超过历史最高水平,可是增长速度低于全国水平,单产与兄弟省相比也还存在差距。我省小麦产量徘徊不前是多种因素造成的,其中基本原因是由于林彪、“四人邦”的干扰破坏,但是也存在着认识问题和栽培措施问题。这里,就我省小麦生产的几个问题,谈谈个人看法。 Since the liberation, the output and output of wheat in our province have risen. This year bumper harvests have also been achieved. The total output has surpassed the highest level in history. However, the growth rate is below the national average and there is still a gap between the yield and the provinces. The hibernation of wheat production in our province is caused by many factors. The basic reason for this is the interference and destruction caused by Lin Biao and the “gang of four,” but there are also problems of understanding and cultivation measures. Here, on the province of wheat production of several issues, talk about personal opinion.
前言:   糖皮质激素是下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalHPA)轴的最终激素,是一种重要的胰岛素拮抗激素。临床上大量应用糖皮质激素会引起糖耐量异常、胰