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民歌是民族文化的一部分,是音乐家在生活与实践中根据每个民族特有的文化、习俗、礼仪等创造出的风格各异的音乐经典。小学低年级的中外民歌乐曲大多短小精悍,旋律轻松活泼,既体现了本地民歌的音凋和风格,又具有儿歌歌唱性强的特点。民歌中记载了人们的生活事件、憧憬和抱负,歌词纯朴简洁,或叙事、或描述,生动风趣且很有生活气息,极易为儿童接受和喜爱。此类经典民歌可拓宽学生的音乐视野,为学生建构更加开放的心态,从容 Folk songs are part of the national culture and are music genres of different styles created by the musicians in their lives and practices according to the unique culture, customs and rituals of each nation. Most junior and senior middle school folk song short and pithy, melodic relaxed and lively, not only reflects the local folk song and withered style, but also has the characteristics of children’s songs singing strong. Folk songs recorded the life events, longings and aspirations of people, the lyrics simple and concise, or narrative, or description, vivid and very lively atmosphere, easily accepted and loved by children. Such classical folk songs can broaden students’ music perspective, to build a more open mind for students, calm
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