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任何一个品牌都是时代和消费者的品牌,面对新一代消费者的成长,面对经济发展、文化变迁和科技进步,变化是必然的。品牌年轻化,就是时刻以清零的心态,来拥抱变化。企业基业长青与品牌年轻化并不矛盾,只有不停地更换血液,不断提升创新能力,方能在一个个变革的时代中生存下来。从企业自身发展阶段来看,存在几个重要的时间节点:初创阶段,本来就是年轻的,干什么都 Any one brand is the era and consumer brands, the face of a new generation of consumer growth, in the face of economic development, cultural change and technological progress, change is inevitable. Brand younger, it is time to clear the mentality, to embrace change. Everlasting enterprise and brand rejuvenation is not contradictory, only constantly changing the blood, and constantly improve their ability to innovate in order to survive in a time of change. From the stage of their own development point of view, there are several important time nodes: the initial stage, has always been young, what are
江宁城,山得其半。便于人而适于野者,惟西城钵山,吾友陶子静偕群弟读书所也。因山之高下为屋,而阁于其岭。曰“余霞”,因所见而名之也。  俯视,花木皆环拱升降,草径曲折可念;行人若飞鸟度柯叶上。西面城,淮水萦之。江自西而东,青黄分明(天为青色,长江水为黄色),界画天地。又若大圆镜,平置林表,莫愁湖也。其东南万屋沉沉,炊烟如人立,各有所企,微风绕之,左引右挹,绵绵缗缗。上浮市声,近寂而远闻。  甲戌(嘉