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谈起五代史,自然就想起了唐以后的梁、唐、晋、汉、周历史了。北宋初年在薛居正主持下编修了这五个王朝的历史《五代史》,又称《梁唐晋汉周书》,后来欧阳修又编著了一部《五代史记》,时人称之为《新五代史》,于是将薛居正监修的那部称为《旧五代史》。这两部书在二十四史中都编排进去,因此,每当提到五代史, Speaking of the Five Dynasties history, naturally remembered the history of Liang, Tang, Jin, Han and Zhou since the Tang Dynasty. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, under the auspices of Xue Juzheng, the history of the Five Dynasties was rebuilt, “Five Dynasties History”, also known as “Liang Tang Jin Han Weekly Book”. Later, Ouyang Xiu edited a Record of the Five Dynasties, So, then Xue Juzheng is supervising the Department called “the history of the old Five Dynasties.” These two books are arranged in the Twenty-Four Histories, so whenever we refer to the Five Dynasties History,