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在倡环保重健康的今天,卫生洁具的发展重点表现在“保健”二字上,抗菌自洁代表着未来卫浴新潮流。抗菌陶瓷是高新技术与传统技术的完美结合,采用最先进的稀土、纳米技术,利用细胞分解原理有效地杀死致病细菌,还能使卫生陶瓷表面附近空气中负离子浓度增加,具有清新空气、 In advocating environmental protection and health today, the development of sanitary ware focuses on the word “health”, antibacterial self-cleaning represents the new trend of the future bathroom. Antibacterial ceramic is the perfect combination of high technology and traditional technology. It adopts the most advanced rare earth and nano technology to effectively kill pathogenic bacteria by using the principle of cell decomposition. It can also increase the concentration of negative ions in the air near the surface of sanitary ceramics with fresh air,
[摘 要] 现阶段,随着我国医学的不断发展进步,高职院校临床医学的病理教学已经逐渐地引起了社会各界的广泛关注。病理学作为医学教学中的一项基本学科,是一门研究疾病的病因、发病机制、病理改变等的学科,是基础医学与临床医学的桥梁学科。其教学方式已经逐渐引起了医学教育事业的高度重视,是医学教育中一项不可或缺的重要组成部分,是值得医学教育者深入思考的教学问题。基于病理学与临床医学间的密切联系,在临床医学病理