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  High School Sweethearts
  Phil was so cute that he made my most boring classes during senior year seem fun. At the end of senior year, I was sure he’d ask me to prom[毕业舞会]. But weeks went by and he never did. I figured, sadly, that I’d read him wrong. So I told another guy I’d go with him, just as friends. Almost as soon as we got to the dance, a rose from Phil with a note that read, “I’m sorry. I should’re asked you sooner.I was thrilled[兴奋] and ran to find him. “It sure took you long enough,I said, laughing. He asked if I’d dance with him, and from that second on we were inseparable[不可分]. He was my first boyfriend, my first love, my first…lots of things.
  We were headed to different schools that fall[秋天], but I didn’t even want to think about being away from him. So on one August night, a few weeks before we were leaving for college, Phil said, “We need to talk about what will happen when school starts,I was terrified he was going to break up[分手] with me. “We’ll stay together?” I asked. “Of course,he answered, smiling, “but it will be hard.Mosquitoes[蚊子] started biting us as we sat on my porch[门廊], but I didn’t even feel them—I was focused on the thought that I had to make this work. ”Look, we’ll be meeting new people. I don’t want to hold you back[阻止], but I love you and I want to be with you,—Phil assured me.
  In late August my family helped me move into my dorm[宿舍] in upstate[州的北部] New York. I put up photos of Phil and me and sought out girls who also had long-distance boyfriends. When Phil called from his new school that night, I cried hysterically[歇斯底里地]—I missed him already.
  I’d thought college would be so fun, but without Phil by my side, none of my old dreams made sense anymore. I used to want to study abroad in London, but now I knew I couldn’t just take off[起飞] like that. I already hated being a three-hour drive away from him—I certainly couldn’t deal with being on another continent. So I resigned myself to spending most of my time chatting online with him until late into the night, ducking[逃避] out of girlsnights to take his calls, and living for the one weekend each month when we could actually see each other. I grew to hate all the happy couples on campus—I wanted what they had but being with Phil was worth any sacrifice[牺牲]. I loved him so much and knew I’d already found the guy I wanted to spend my life with.
  Freshman[大学一年级] year was hard, but we made it through. At the start of sophomore[大学二年级] year, though, lots of my friends broke up with their long-distance guys. I called Phil. are we okay? —I asked. “Is that going to happen to us? “We’re fine, I promise,he said. But how could I know for sure? My friends thought they were fine until they got dumped[抛弃]! I started calling Phil constantly just to hear him say he loved me, but after a few calls, he started saying, “Jen, I love you —but I can’t talk. I’re got to run. —I didn’t get it: I became resentful[怨恨的] instead. I had given up so much for him and now he had no time for me?
  The night before we were going home for the summer, Phil called and said he’d signed up for a three-week training course. “Why are you doing this?I shouted. He told me he would tell me about it the next day. I couldn’t eat or sleep that night. When I got home and he came over, I leaned in to kiss him but he just looked at me and said, “I can’t.” He went on, “I love you”but I want a life too. I don’t think I can give you what you need. —I felt sad. We sat in the basement[地下室] and cried together for hours. It was over.
  It felt like I had nothing left but with friends backing me up[支持], I finally joined the study-abroad program and spent a semester in England. After a few months, I stared to see how holding on to[抓住不放] Phil had held me back from living my life. I’re found love again with a new guy, Matt. He’s amazing but I don’t rely on him for my happiness. I’m in charge of[支配] that now.
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