正确处理三个关系 推进干部制度改革

来源 :紫光阁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huawei_2009
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深化干部人事制度改革,要求各级组织部门必须站在全局的高度,以务实创新的态度,统筹规划,强化领导,配套联动。从烟台市组织工作的实践看,我认为,推进人事制度改革,应注意处理好三个关系。正确处理实践先行和理论研究的关系,做好理论与实践相结合的文章。在干部人事制度改革方面,对实践经验是比较重视的,这无疑是正确的,但相比之下,理论探讨特别是政策的研究显得不够,改革方案筹划缺乏系统性,工作处于零打碎敲的状况。因此,各级必须处理好理论与实践的关系,加强理论学习和政策研究。要学习邓小平同志关 Deepening the reform of the cadre and personnel system requires that the organizational departments at all levels must take a holistic approach and take a pragmatic and innovative approach to overall planning and strengthening leadership and supporting coordination. From the practice of organizing work in Yantai City, I think that to promote the personnel system reform, we should pay attention to handling the three relations. Correctly deal with the relationship between the theory of practice and theoretical research, and do a good job combining theory with practice. In the reform of cadre and personnel system, more emphasis is attached to practical experience. This is undoubtedly correct. However, in comparison, theoretical research, especially policy research, is not enough. There is no systematic plan for the reform and no break-up of the work. Therefore, all levels must handle the relationship between theory and practice and strengthen theoretical study and policy research. We must learn from Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s off
<正> 言为心声,语言是表达人物思想感情的主要工具和手段,是袒露人物内心世界的窗口,口是人物个性的一部分。在新闻写作中保持人物语言的&#39;原唱&#39;,不仅可以真实地再现