[目的]枣飞象Scythropus yasumatsui Kono et Morimoto是枣树重要害虫之一.近年来,在陕北黄河沿岸枣区暴发成灾,造成了严重的经济和生态损失.为了明确枣树挥发物在枣飞象寄主定向过程中的作用,以便为开发植物源引诱剂奠定理论基础.[方法]采用触角电位仪和Y型嗅觉仪测定了枣飞象对枣树7种挥发物的触角电位和嗅觉行为反应.[结果]EAG试验结果表明:枣树的7种挥发物在一定的浓度下,都能引起枣飞象雌雄成虫明显触角电位反应,当刺激浓度为50μg/μL时,枣飞象对测定的7种挥发物的触角电位值达到最高,其中枣飞象雌雄虫对罗勒烯的EAG反应相对值均为最大,分别达2.87和2.53.嗅觉行为反应试验结果表明:罗勒烯、α-法呢烯均对枣飞象雌雄虫有明显的引诱作用,其中枣飞象雌雄成虫对罗勒烯趋向率高达70.8%、70.4%,而反-2-己烯醇仅对其雌虫表现引诱作用,对雄虫未表现出引诱作用.[结论]罗勒烯和 α-法呢烯为吸引枣飞象雌雄成虫的活性物质,本反-2-己烯醇为吸引枣飞象雌虫的活性物质.“,”[Objectives] Scythropus yasumatsui Kono et Morimoto is one of the most serious pests of the Chinese jujube (Zizyphus jujube) and have, in recent years, caused considerable economic and ecological damage to Chinese jujubes in northern Shaanxi province. The aim of this study is to clarify the role of Chinese jujube volatiles in the S. yasumatsui host orientation process, and provide a theoretical basis for the further development of effective botanical attractants for S. yasumatsui. [Methods] The olfactory and behavioral responses of S. yasumatsui to seven Chinese jujube volatiles were tested using an electroantennogram (EAG) and Y-tube olfactometer, respectively. [Results] The EAG test results show that a certain concentration of seven volatiles induced clear EAG responses in adult female and male S. yasumatsui. The highest EAG responses occurred at volatile concentrations of 50 μg/μL. The EAG responses of male and female adults to ocimene (2.87 and 2.53, respectively) were the highest. Olfactory behavioral response tests show that both adult males and females were attracted to ocimene and α-farnesene, these volatile having response rates of 70.8% and 70.4%, respectively, whereas trans-2-hexenol was attractive to females only. [Conclusion] Ocimene and α-farnesene are attractive to both female and male S. yasumatsui, but trans-2-hexenol is only attractive to females.