City Intention and Conservation: What We Learned From Historical Nanjing City Maps

来源 :中国建筑史论汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boge66
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论文通过对南京古代地图分析,发见古人在规划、设计、建造城市时的意图、独特匠心和创造智慧,提出此为历史城市保护中需要延续的,而不仅仅是保护物质本体自身。论文也尝试探讨在南京城墙保护中如何通过保护范围和建控地带的画线,来传承城市意图。进而论文阐述中国古代地图展示的有别于西方的城市意图和保护路径。 Through the analysis of the ancient map of Nanjing, the author discovers the ancients' intention, unique ingenuity and wisdom in planning, designing and constructing the city. It proposes that this should be continued in the protection of historical cities, not just the material subject itself. The paper also attempts to explore how to pass on urban intentions through the protection of the walls and the drawing of the construction and control zones in Nanjing's urban wall protection. Then the essay elaborates the urban intension and the protection route which are different from the western ones in ancient Chinese maps.
化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,因此化学试题应真实、符合科学事实,与建立在现有知识体系之上的概念、原理、法则等没有冲突。然而近年来全国各地的中考化学试题中,笔者发现了有些试题缺乏真实性、科学性。本文列举几例,以期命题者在今后的命题中更加严谨、科学。  例1《2013年浙江省湖州市中考科学试卷》第33题:小李学习了二氧化碳知识后,进行了二氧化碳气体在水中溶解性的探究,其实验步骤及装置如下(装置见图1)