Employment Priority Policy: Blocking the IntergenerationalTransmission of Poverty in Ethnic Minority

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  DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-9391.2020.04.007Abstract:Employment constitutes the most important part of people  s livelihood. In the Report on the Work of the Government of the National People  s Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference 2019, it says “employment policy is prioritized on a macro level for the first time this year.” As a new method for blocking the intergenerational transmission of poverty, “employment priority”, takes short-term effectiveness and sustainable development into consideration. As far as the promotion of education equity is concerned, in practice, this equity should also be more holistic and longterm.
  The renowned “cultural reproduction” theory of Bourdieu, demonstrates that the deficiency ofcultural capital of the elder generation of poor families leads to difficulties for the younger generation to obtain higherlevel academic achievements and degrees in an eliteoriented school education, thereby ending up repeating the working class jobs of their parents within the same social division of labor. Bourdieu  s theory of “cultural reproduction” receives wide support among those within the circle of the Sociology of Education. This theory is applied by certain Chinese scholars to their quantitative research on ethnic minorities, rural underprivileged families and urban lowincome populations, and they draw a similar conclusion. However, this article does not concur with this model of argumentation, which mechanically applies western theory to affirm that China has “educational inequity”.
  In fact, the major obstacle of educational equity inethnic minority areas of China is the phased difficulty of employment rather than the structural resistance of “cultural reproduction”. Origin, process and result are three key points of education equity. During the time  time when infrastructure and teachers were inadequate, ensuring every child “can go to school” (equity at the origin) was the bottom line. After education became compulsory, and the enrollment expanded at universities, the key point became to improve the quality of curriculum and the level of schooling in order to ensure access to good education (equity in the process). However, in order to complete the cycle, it is necessary to secure that the academic investments of the person who is educated results in career development, which, in turn, leads the educated person  to the conclusion that “education benefits my life” (equity in result). Therefore, the pressing issue at the moment for promoting education equity is to shift the focus away from “origin” and “process”, i.e. promoting the equal supply of educational resources, to a focus on “result”, i.e. “promoting social justice via the leverage and ladder of education”. Guaranteeing the sense of gain, for most families, builds a consensus that “education changes fate” for the public. Once a student finds an employment, the family  s investment in education get payback.
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