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鼓曲是說唱文學的一種。它的流傳和發展與清代八旗子弟密切相關。早期的子弟書、八角鼓、单弦,稍晚些的梅花大鼓、京韵大鼓等,基本上都源於清季。據《天咫偶聞》卷七載:‘舊日鼓詞,有所謂子弟書者。始創於八旗子弟,其詞雅馴,其聲和綬,有東城調、西城調之分。西調尤緩而低,一韻縈纡良久。’該書說‘子弟書’是清季滿族纔始創的,實際上是從明代川流傳下來的小型鼓書,當時也叫‘段兒書一’,最早它祇是流行於八旗軍中的民間俗曲。由於八旗子弟戍守邊關,抒思鄉之情,因此出現了這種邊關小調。乾隆年间京城興起的‘子弟書’,其說唱形式以及內容与最初相比都有所變化。京師的八旗子弟參照彈詞開篇,創作出七言體的唱詞和八旗子弟樂的曲調,並配以三弦樂器演唱,故又稱‘清音子弟書’。最初传唱於京師東城,不久又传至西城。東西調各成一體,东城調高亢,多演英烈故事;西城調纏綿,多演才子佳人曲文。 Drum song is a kind of rap literature. Its spread and development are closely related to the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. Early children books, octagonal drums, single string, later plum bass, Beijing Yun bass, etc., are basically derived from the Qing quarter. According to “Days even smell” volume seven contains: ’old words, there are so-called siblings. Founded in the Eight Banners, the word Ya tame, its sound and cogwheel, a transfer of the East, West transfer points. Western especially slow and low, a prosperous Yingying a long time. ’The book said’ children’s book ’was only created by the Manchus in the Qing Dynasty. It was actually a small drum book handed down from the Ming Dynasty. It was also called a paragraph book, and at first it was only popular among the civilians in the Eight-Banner Army Popular music. As the Eight Banners guarding the border, to express feelings of hometown, so there is such a border key. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the “book of children” that emerged in the capital changed its form and content of rap compared with the original. The eight-flag children of the capital started their essays on the basis of the lexicon and created the lyrics of the seven-character script and the melody of the Eight-Flags Children’s Music. Together with the stringed instruments, they were also known as the Voiceless Children Book. Originally sung in the capital of East Side, soon spread to Xicheng. East and West tune into one, Dongcheng tone hype, staged more heroic story; Xicheng tone lingering, performing more beautiful genius Qu Wen.
The 13 traffic policewomen of No. 7 Ergang Road in the city of Ji’nan. Shandong Province, hold a special feminine spiritual outlook. Wearing their olive green
每年的岁末年初都是员工跳槽频繁的时节。员工为什么跳槽?对企业不满是一个很重要的原因。在不少企业,企业经营管理者一味强调用户满意 Every year end of the year is the