
来源 :装备维修技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:my_sunday_tongxing
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一装备管理模式的演变过去十五年是东风汽车公司装备管理理论与实践不断探索发展的十五年。全公司从应用推广PM(设备预防性维修)、PPM(设备计划生产维修)到TPM(全员生产性维修)在不同历史时期为保证汽车生产和企业经济效益的提高发挥了重要作用。然而,一些问题始终难以解决:前 The Evolution of Equipment Management Pattern The past 15 years have been the continuous exploration and development of equipment management theory and practice of Dongfeng Motor Corporation for the past 15 years. The company has played an important role in promoting automotive production and improving enterprise economic efficiency in various historical periods from the application of PM (Equipment Preventive Maintenance), PPM (Equipment Planning and Production Maintenance) to TPM (Total Productive Maintenance). However, some problems are always difficult to solve: before
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栏目卷首语要论学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想 文章标题1、聚精会神搞建设一心一意谋发展2、牢牢抓住三个重大关键间题用科学发展观指导西藏发展3、科学发展观是西藏经济社会
TaN/NbN multilayered coatings with nanoscale bilayer periods were synthesized at different Ar/N_2 flow rates by RF (radio frequency) magnetron sputtering.XRD (X
编剧:李文  导演:周玉鹏  摄影:海涛  美术:阿日达  作曲:查干  制片主任:潘广乐  主演:尚铁龙 宋运成    禁牧,一次造福于子孙后代的创举。  友情,一对忘年交在西北毛乌素沙地上新的诠释。  影片以西北人憨厚、纯朴、真诚的个性讲述了一段感人至深的故事,该片将以独特的视角、原生态记录的手法唱响于大江南北。    望沙故事梗概    近几年,美岱乡的羊只饲养数量迅猛扩大,土地沙化得历害,