回首过去的1996年,电脑界值得记住的事太多了,因而也可能使我们忽略了许多,但有一件事笔者认为是不应被遗忘的——这一年的年初,第一个真正商业意义上的国产游戏软件产品《中关村启示录》正式上市了。如果这仅仅是一个普通的软件商品,那么它在1996年众多的软件中并没有特别之处。如果从软件质量和市场效益看,也许更不值一提,但正是这一款《中关村启示录》结束了国产游戏软件空白的尴尬历史,从而具有了某种象征意义。这一年中,同样值得记取的是,前导公司与Windows 95中文版同时推出了第一个国产大型32位光盘游戏《官渡》,其日文版也走出国门,打入以三国题材游戏看家的光荣公司的老家。另外,截止到1996年底,正版游戏软件消费呈现了强劲增长
Looking back on the past 1996, there are too many things that the computer industry has to memorize. It may also lead us to ignore many things. But there is one thing that the author thinks should not be forgotten - at the beginning of the year, the first real one. Commercially-made game software products “Zhongguancun Revelation” was officially launched. If this is just an ordinary software product, then it has nothing special in the numerous software in 1996. If you look at the software quality and market efficiency, it may be even less worth mentioning, but it is this “Zhongguancun Revelation” that ended the history of the blank of domestic game software, and thus has some symbolic significance. In the middle of the year, it is also worth remembering that the leading company launched the first domestic large-scale 32-bit disc game “Guan Du” together with the Chinese version of Windows 95. The Japanese version also went out of the country to enter the three-nation theme game. Glory’s hometown. In addition, as of the end of 1996, legitimate game software consumption has shown strong growth.